Top 11 Motivational Apps to Help You Take Resolutions

Top 11 Motivational Apps

With the annual renewal of the year-round calendar, our resolutions to be better people are naturally renewed: to eat better, exercise more, call our loved ones regularly, and achieve our professional goals. While we may have started the last year with the best of intentions, we’re only human and everyone slips away from where they think they should be.

This year, download a motivational app that will actually help you achieve the resolutions you set this year. The more help the merrier as far as I’m concerned, and I think you’ll agree when you check out these 11 great motivational apps to help make this year the best year ever.

1. Journy

Journy is the best self-care app ever. Mainly because of how progressive he is in his approach. Journy: Self-Care Day Planner app is one of the best self-motivational apps due to its structure combining different entities such as finances, health, relationships, etc. You can discover learning through unique approaches. Start taking good notes to help you track what you are doing and what to do in the future. You can even follow the routine of the greats. And by big, we mean celebrities, athletes, well-known business people, etc. You can use Journy to try it for free for a few days and then get exclusive benefits like videos, quotes and many other things.

Format: Online, mobile app for iOS and Android

2. Productivity Challenge Timer

Are you addicted to your phone? Have you found yourself playing Candy Crush when you should be working? This motivational app goes a step further than just keeping you off your phone. Productivity Challenge Timer tracks your work habits and ranks you, starting with “unrepentant slacker” and gaining prestige as your productivity rises. Set unlimited tasks and get tons of stats to track your progress.

3. Wonderful Day

In a simple and easy-to-see format, Wonderful Day helps you set daily goals and which days of the week you want to achieve them, then mark them on your daily calendar. Every day you succeed you get a green dot. If you fail, you get a red dot. Trying to achieve the longest streak is simple, but it works.

4. ThinkUp

Practicing affirmations has never been easier with this app that lets you personalize your affirmations, set reminders, add music and even life goals. Choose from life goals such as health, self-esteem, abundance, life and relationship, and stress relief. The motivational app allows you to choose 5 affirmations for free to practice every day for 21 days, which is the minimum time needed to set up a new habit.

5. BattleSteps

If you don’t really like walking for fitness, but you know you should, this motivational app can change your whole mindset. BattleSteps turns walking into an exciting competition where your goal is to walk more than your opponent in 12 hours. As you work your way up the ranks and compete, you gain health and fitness at the same time.

6. The Soulfully Optimized Life

Brainchild of Adam Siddiq, The Soulfully Optimized Life app brings you all of Siddiq’s content in one place: video interviews, inspirational podcasts, quotes, blog posts and more with many guests who are motivational figures in their own right. From the law of attraction to economic health, this motivational app has it all.

7. The Rock Clock

This cool and highly motivational app is for fans of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and comes with some amazing and unique features. First, The Rock Clock starts your day with a motivational alarm clock and no snooze button – the Rock doesn’t snooze. You can customize your alarm and even set the clock to wake you up when The Rock wakes up, so you can be even more like your idol. Never miss a day at the gym again!

8. Forest

Aimed at the nature lover in all of us, this motivational app helps you stay focused by planting a virtual tree, which you then water and grow without using your phone for a pre-set amount of time. If you’re using your phone, the tree will die, so while you might not be able to focus, you’ll definitely be motivated not to use your phone.


What if instead of checking in at your destination, you could check in when you reach your destination? Celebrate your wins and track your progress with, which tracks and displays your progress in handy graphs and charts, and tracks your “momentum,” or time left for your progress to become a habit. There is also a supportive user community to help you on your way.

10. Gratitude journal

This beautiful and effective motivational app will help you rewire your brain in just five minutes a day by writing down the things you are grateful for each day. Psychological research has found that the thoughts you focus on are more prominent in your mind, and the more positive and grateful you think, the more positive and grateful you feel. There is only one way to find out if they are right – try it and see!

11. Motivation Daily and positivity

If you need daily doses of motivation in an effective, simple format, this new motivational app from Murray Newlands is for you. The motivational speaker and author have created the perfect quotes to motivate anyone who feels like they’re falling behind, whether you’re trying to kill it at the gym, preparing for a presentation at work or school, or need help with any other kind of task.

By Olivia Bradley

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