Travel tips: After 15 years of traveling the world

After 15 years of globetrotting, I’ve compiled a list of the top travel tips and methods to help you save money, avoid mistakes, and travel like an expert!

I’ve learned a lot of valuable lessons when traveling, such as the time I was mugged on a train because I let my guard down, or the time Scott and I arrived at the Bozeman Airport only to discover that our vehicle rental was no longer available.

Some of these travel disasters may be prevented, while others are simply part of the experience. It’s impossible to plan for everything. However, remembering a few key points will make your journey much smoother.

Be adaptable.
We try not to feel agitated when things go wrong by anticipating delays. Traveling takes a lot of patience!

Make a to-do list for yourself.
A week or so before the first trip, I make a lot of several stuff I don’t want to forget about — which I WILL forget if I do not however write them down. I’ve discovered that I should write down any ideas I have.

Study a few important phrases in the language of the region.
A simple “Please,” “Thank you,” and “I’m sorry” go a long way in the original tongue. But that’s just my opinion. I’m also interested in learning the phrase for beer.

Don’t forget to bring a spare camera battery (or Two)
Have you ever arrived at your favorite sunset photo location only to discover that your camera battery is dead and you don’t have a backup? On all of our excursions, I try to pack at least three camera batteries so that we don’t miss out on that ideal image.

Important Documents Should Be Photocopied
When I was in my 20s, I used to keep a copy of his passport in a separate bag from my original passport. Then I grew lethargic.

At the airport, a friend dropped her passport. They stated she could have gone if she had produced a copy of her passport and additional passport photos. Because she didn’t, she was forced to abandon a $2,000 flight after a week in Europe. I now carry a copy of the document with me at all times.

Keep your hygiene
One thing that most people skip is personal hygiene, especially oral. According to a Dentist in Goodyear, oral hygiene is very important for our health. It affects our physical and mental health.

Bring a spare pair of underpants.
Because underwear is so little, having a few extra pairs on hand in case of an emergency is typically a smart idea. Another option is to bring this quick-dry underwear with you and wash them while you’re out and about.

Make sure you have your clothing ready ahead of time.
Because I’m a slacker who packs at the last minute, I’ve spent far too many trips dressed entirely in black or grey because I didn’t plan. I wish I had spent more time packing and looking back at the photos.

In your carry-on, place electronics, medications, a toothbrush, and an extra pair of underwear.

A few essentials should always be carried in your carry-on bag. A swimsuit is also a fantastic choice if you’re going on a beach trip. Most of these items can be purchased if your luggage is lost in transit, but having them in your carry-on will save you money and time if your luggage is lost.

Stay hydrated on aircraft.
I get that being drunk at 30,000 feet is a real blast, but it’s also a lot easier to get dehydration at that altitude. Dehydration makes it easier to overcome jet lag, especially on long-haul flights.

Save your room number and hotel address to your phone.
Is this only me that forgets my hotel room number? I’m positive many others like me are out there.

Inquire with the locals
We always ask the locals to recommend the greatest eateries, the best sunset viewing places, the best coffee shops, and so on. However, I enjoy telling folks what kind of cuisine I’m desiring. I’ve been directed to several fascinating eateries that I would not have chosen.

Free public WIFI should be avoided at all costs.
When I’m utilizing free public WIFI at a location like an airport, I try to avoid logging into bank accounts or inputting any passwords. Once I’ve arrived at my hotel, I’m not as rigid about it, especially if their wifi has a password.

Notify your bank and credit card company of your trip intentions.
This is a smart practice to get into if you don’t want your credit card issuer or bank to put a hold on your card while you’re abroad.

You Can Get Cheap Flights If We Book Early
The majority of the time, the better the pricing, the earlier you book. Unless there is a sale, a flight seldom goes down in price (or an airline pricing error).

Keep your personal belongings separate.
Scott and I blend our personal belongings into each checked suitcase when we travel together (assuming we have more than one). That way, if one of our bags is misplaced, we’ll still have some clothing and personal belongings.

Separate your financial sources.
Don’t store all of your money and credit cards in the same place. I keep some cash and a back up credit/bank card in a bag that isn’t in the same bag as my wallet.

First Aid Kit for Travel
We bring along a small first-aid kit with aspirin, Benedryl, cold medicine, Tums, cough drops, bandages, Activated Charcoal tablets (which are lifesavers for traveler’s diarrhea and minor allergic reactions), Neosporin, and other items that we may not always have easy access to when traveling. J&J supplies a little first-aid package at a reasonable price.

By Olivia Bradley

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