Types of dental fillings


Currently the composite filling is the most used in any dental clinic. If you are wondering how long a dental filling of this type lasts, the truth is that on average about 10 years. However, some problems such as bruxism (teeth grinding during the day or unconsciously while sleeping) can wear fillings down more quickly.

Amalgam fillings are rarely used anymore. They are dark in color, so they are not very aesthetic. Also, this material tends to stain and darken the color of the tooth where the filling is placed. The positive part is that they are very resistant fillings that can last up to 30 years.

There are also gold fillings, although in Spain they are hardly used. They are very resistant, but also very expensive. As for the aesthetic part, it is a very personal option that depends on the taste of each patient.

How much does a dental filling cost?

The prices of a dental filling depend on the size of the cavity, the dental clinic we go to and even the city in which our dentist is located. Also, some clinics charge more for reconstructions than fillings. We can talk about dental fillings from 40 euros, although the average price of a filling is around 50 euros.

It is very important that we do not leave our dental health in the hands of just anyone. We must trust only the best professionals who have an approved degree and sufficient experience to practice as dentists. Our teeth are for life and we must take care of them.

When the dental filling no longer works: alternative solutions

A filled tooth is not always the best solution. Sometimes, the decay is so deep that the damage reaches the dental pulp. In these cases, the sensitivity of the diseased tooth is enormous and it is not cured with a simple filling.

It can also be the case of a dental filling that is many years old. Wear can cause it to crack or fall off. Sometimes it is enough to go to the dentist to have the composite changed, but on other occasions it will be necessary to resort to more complex solutions.

Here we detail what dentists usually do to preserve teeth when a filling no longer fixes the damage.

Dental endodontic

A filled tooth is not always the best solution. Sometimes, the decay is so deep that the damage reaches the dental pulp. In these cases, the sensitivity of the diseased tooth is enormous and it is not cured with a simple filling.

It can also be the case of a dental filling that is many years old. Wear can cause it to crack or fall off. Sometimes it is enough to go to the dentist to have the composite changed, but on other occasions it will be necessary to resort to more complex solutions.

When a tooth injury reaches the pulp of a tooth, it is necessary to perform a root canal. These dental treatments are performed to save a tooth that is dying and causing us great pain. It consists of killing the nerve of the tooth in question. Then the pulp is filled, sealed and the affected tooth is rebuilt so that we can continue to lead a normal life.

The main problem with endodontics is that it weakens the tooth, since it leaves it without sensitivity. Therefore, if the dental reconstruction is not supported by a firm foundation, the tooth may break and be irretrievable. To prevent this, many dentists use dental posts and crowns.

Dental clinic

Pins are used to create a solid foundation for a wheel that is badly damaged and needs to be rebuilt. They can be made of fiberglass or some metallic material. Most are made to measure in a laboratory external to the practice. Once placed, a composite reconstruction can be made on the tooth or a cover can be placed.

The dental crown or cover is usually made of porcelain and is also made to measure in the laboratory. It has the color and appearance of a real tooth, so it hardly differs from the rest. It is used to cover the visible part of severely damaged teeth or molars. It is usually supported on the reconstruction or on the hinge.

Tips to avoid a dental filling

Most of the recommendations that we can give you so that you do not have to have many fillings throughout your life are aimed at avoiding dental caries.

Brush your teeth 3 times a day, preferably after your main meals.

Use professional toothpastes with a high fluoride content. A mouth rinse after brushing can also help prevent cavities.

Use dental floss or interdental brushes at night to remove hidden food debris that remains between your teeth after you have brushed them.

Get an annual check-up at the dentist. If you notice any discomfort, go to the consultation immediately, even if less than a year has passed since the last time you went.

Take advantage of this review to find out if you need a mouth cleaning.

When the dentist detects a cavity, make an appointment as soon as possible to have your dental filling done. This will prevent it from getting deeper and damaging the tooth irreparably.

If you notice that you wake up with a headache or a lot of tension in your jaw, see your dentist. You may suffer from nocturnal bruxism and you need a dental splint so that your teeth do not suffer while you sleep.


By Olivia Bradley

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