Ways You Can Follow to Get Closer to God 

colors of heaven

If you feel empty and are looking for a purpose in life, or if it’s been a long time since you walked from Jesus, maybe it’s the time to come back on the right path to avail the mercy of God and his blessings.  

Every one of us wants to come closer to God and see the colors of heaven at the end of our lives. You should know that pleasing God is easier than pleasing humans. Even simple acts of kindness can help you come closer to God.  

Here are some of the tips that you can follow to come closer to God  

Read Bible More Often  

Reading the Bible can be a great way of bringing peace to your life. Read the verses and try to understand God’s message given to you. You can write down the verses that you feel most connected to. Reading Bible on your way home or work can also help you feel calmer calmer, peaceful, and more empathetic, book of Enoch bible online 

Bible is an instruction manual given by God. The people who do not understand the role the Bible can play in their life can feel distant and alone because of their distance from their creator.  

Be Empathetic  

God loves those who love their creatures. Being nice to other people without expecting anything in return can help you be more generous and empathetic.  


Praying is a great way of coming closer to God. Bind your hand in front of God and thank him for all the things he has done for you. Being thankful and repenting of your sins will help you develop a better bond with God. It will help you in spiritual growth and will please God.  

If you are going through an unpleasant event in your life, or you are repenting about your sins, ask God and he will listen to your prayers. You can confess anything to God and he will listen to you. Put your heart open and say everything that you are going through to your God.  


Fasting is a great way of clearing your mind and being thankful. Doing fast helps you understand all the things you have been blessed with. Fasting is a common practice in many religions as it helps people come closer to God and makes them feel blessed for all the things God have blessed them with.  

Those who want to see the color of heaven and want to make their afterlife good should bring positive changes in their life. It can be hard to put faith in humans but you can tell all your secrets to your God.  

Believing in God and trusting him can help you become a better version of yourself. Add gratitude to your life and connect yourself with God.  Creating a spiritual connection with God will help you move forward and bring positivity in your life.  

By Olivia Bradley

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