Skin lesions:Why Does My Skin Have This Spot?What are skin lesions?

Skin lesions: An abnormal growth or change in the appearance of a patch of skin distinguishes it from normal skin. Lesions on the skin can be split into two groups: primary and secondary.

Primary skin lesions are a type of skin abnormality that either manifests at birth or is acquired later in life.

Secondary skin lesions develop when primary skin lesions are aggravated or manipulated. For example, if someone scratches a mole until it bleeds, the resulting lesion, a crust, is now a secondary skin lesion.

skin lesions?
skin lesions

Causes of skin lesions, illustrated

Many conditions can cause different types of skin lesions.


• Acne is commonly located on the face, neck, shoulders, chest, and upper back.

Blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and cysts or nodules can be found in a breakout.

Scarring or skin discoloration may result if it is not treated.

The Symptoms of a Cold Sore

A cold sore is a painful blister that appears around the mouth and lips and is typically red and filled with fluid. Genital sores and mouth sores are both caused by the herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2) viruses.

• Before a cold sore becomes visible, the affected area may tingle or burn.

• These blisters can appear singly or in groups and leak a yellowish fluid before they crust over.

• Stress, menstruation, illness, and sun exposure can all trigger a recurrence of blisters.

The condition known as actinic keratosis

A thick, scaly, or crusty skin patch less than 2 centimetres (cm) in diameter is most likely an actinic keratosis.

• It manifests itself on skin that is frequently exposed to sunlight (the hands, arms, face, scalp, and neck).

• The base colour is typically pink, but it can also be brown, tan, or grey.

Dermatitis atopica

Skin affected by allergic eczema may be itchy, red, scaly, or raw.

• It’s typically observed on the hands and forearms and may mimic a burn.

• Blisters that bleed, ooze, or crust over are another side effect.

Impetigo is characterised by an itchy rash and fluid-filled blisters that crust over in a honey colour.

• The cheeks, lips, and nostrils are common sites for the rash to manifest.

Having this issue is quite frequent in infants and young children.

Irritation of the skin caused by contact

• Contact dermatitis causes itchy, red, scaly, or raw skin.

• It manifests itself anywhere from a few hours to a few days after being exposed to an allergen.

• A contact dermatitis rash occurs precisely where the skin has come into contact with the offending material and has distinct borders.

• Blisters that bleed, ooze, or crust over are another side effect.


Psoriasis manifests as silvery, scaly, well-defined areas on the skin.

• It’s typically located on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back.

It could cause irritation or have no noticeable side effects at all.


• Chickenpox creates clusters of itchy, red, fluid-filled blisters in varying states of healing all over the body.

• A chickenpox rash is accompanied by fever, body aches, sore throat, and loss of appetite.

Until the chickenpox blisters crust over, the disease can spread.


• Shingles generates an extremely painful rash that may burn, tickle, or itch, even if there are no blisters present.

• A rash from shingles typically shows in vertical stripes over the chest, though it can show up elsewhere on the body—even the face.

The rash appears as groups of fluid-filled blisters that are prone to breaking and oozing.

• A mild temperature, chills, headache, or exhaustion may accompany the rash.

Pimples on the epidermis

• Epidermoid cysts are seen on the face, neck, or body.

When a cyst grows too large, it might put out too much pressure, and that can be very uncomfortable.

• Keratin-rich and extremely sluggish-growing, they pose no cancer risk.

• They are sometimes misunderstood for sebaceous cysts because both contain sebum.

Infected with MRSA (staph)

A medical emergency has been declared due to this condition. Treatment speed should be increased.

• An MRSA skin infection can cause a painful, raised, red pimple that sometimes drains pus, similar to the appearance of a spider bite.

• Antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (staph) bacteria are responsible for the infection.

A skin break or scrape is all it takes for the bacteria to enter and start an illness.

• Treatment with strong antibiotics is required, and complications like cellulitis or blood infection might develop if the infection is not addressed promptly.


A medical emergency has been declared due to this condition. Treatment speed should be increased.

• Cellulitis is characterised by painful red swelling that may or may not ooze.

Bacteria or fungus invade through a break in the skin and create the condition.

There’s a chance the skin will be warm and sensitive.

Symptoms such as a high temperature, chills, and a crimson rash may indicate a dangerous infection that needs medical attention.


• Scabies generates an exceedingly irritating rash that may be pimply, made up of small blisters, or scaly.

• It can also bring about a raised white or flesh-colored line.

• It could take 4–6 weeks for symptoms to show.

• Scabies patients are more likely to get impetigo.


A medical emergency has been declared due to this condition. Treatment speed should be increased.

• A rash is defined as a visible change in the colour or texture of the skin.

Insect bites, allergies, adverse reactions to medications, bacterial and fungal skin infections, infectious diseases, and autoimmune disorders are just some of the possible triggers.

• Many rash symptoms can be managed at home, but severe rashes may require urgent medical treatment (particularly those observed in combination with other symptoms, such as fever, discomfort, disorientation, vomiting, or difficulty breathing) (especially those seen in combination with other symptoms, such as fever, pain, dizziness, vomiting, or difficulty breathing).

By Olivia Bradley

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