What are some of the best marketing techniques?


Well, the name Jignesh Barasara clearly needs no introduction. He is the name behind many successful entrepreneurs. He himself is a great business entrepreneur and clearly understands how important marketing is for a business. Below mentioned are some of his most effective marketing techniques that you can use to propagate your business ideas and market about your business.

Some of the best marketing techniques:-

Brand Story:-

Thanks to the numerous researches done so far, it has been found out that storytelling is the best way to gather people’s attention and store your ideas of bust into their memories. For example, if you have created a website about your business, then the about us section must have a very good narrative about what exactly your business is meant for.

Digital PR:-

Its needless to say how much time people spend these days on social media. And that’s one of the best platforms to market your business and build a customer base for yourself. In order to do this successfully, you need to have great content to pull the traffic to your website and social media profiles.

Brand Extension:-

The term brand extension is a process where big giants expand their brands to develop new products. This can be both beneficial and damaging, depending upon the ways adopted by the company.


Research says that people above the age of 12 are listening to online audio content at a huge level. That’s where marketing using podcasts comes into the picture. But that doesn’t mean people will just listen to anything, they will listen to your marketing podcast only if your marketing techniques in the podcast are capturing enough. In order to make your marketing podcast successful, you can start with adding a relevant host or guest to it. This can be anyone famous from your respective domain of business. This will further help you increase the engagement of your audience.

Blog title optimization:-

When it comes to these marketing techniques, always remember that no one will get to the rest of your content, until unless they choose to click on the heading, so the title should be catchy enough. By working on the title part, you will automatically attract more traffic to your business website. There are various tools that you can use in order to analyse the headline such as headline analyzer.

Audience Segmentation:-

You will have an audience of all kinds and of course all age groups. As an entrepreneur, you need to have an understanding of how you can cater to all of them.

Value add emails:-

The main purpose of value add emails is to improve the customer engagement and build goodwill while the business is still in nurturing mode. Using this marketing technique, you can persuade people to subscribe to your email. This will not only build a great customer base for you, but will also generate more leads and revenues for your business.

Video marketing:-

This one has been the most important way of marketing recently and has overlapped both blogs and infographics. There are various reasons for the same, such as being flexible enough, you can simply create a youtube video and share it on various social media platforms. These kinds of engagements are extremely rewarding for your business marketing.

Contextual Marketing:- It is the practice of providing a personalised website to the customers as per their stage of buying. The basic principle behind this is if you make it

By Olivia Bradley

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