Why Backlinks Matter: The Secret to Building a Successful Website

Every website needs backlinks to be successful. The more you have, the better your rankings will be with search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. The more backlinks your website has, the more traffic it will get from search engines. If you want to build an online business that can stand up against the competition, you have to attract as many high-quality backlinks as possible in order to build a strong foundation that will help your site rank highly on Google and the other major search engines.

What are backlinks?

Backlinks are links from other websites that link back to your site. That’s it, in simple terms. If you want more people to find you and for you to rank higher in search engines, you need lots of them or at least good ones. Search engines reward sites with high numbers of quality backlinks by showing them higher up on relevant searches; sites with few or poor-quality backlinks see less traffic and don’t show up as often.

What are Google’s rules for links?

Google’s position on link building has changed dramatically over time. In 2011, they introduced an algorithm update called Penguin, which penalized sites with unnatural backlink profiles; in 2015, they launched another major change known as Mobile-first Indexing that caused even more churn. Right now, it seems like Google is focused primarily on rewarding sites with healthy backlink profiles that enhance their users’ experience. That said, many SEO professionals recommend developing your own backlink strategy.

How do I get good backlinks?

There are many ways to obtain backlinks, but none of them should be done with spammy tactics. Most large-scale search engine algorithms have mechanisms that look at incoming links and determine whether they’re spammy or not. These can often cause your rankings to plummet and, in some cases, even damage your website. Here are three strategies for how you can create a backlink strategy that won’t get you into trouble with Google or Bing.

How can I build backlinks for my site?

There are several backlink strategies you can use, but we suggest starting by creating a solid backlink strategy. By setting one up that you’re comfortable with, you’ll be more likely to follow it and benefit from it in the long run. We created an easy guide on how to create a strong backlink strategy and how to build quality links. This step-by-step guide should help you as you begin building your web presence!

Why is link-building so important?

Link building is important for many reasons. First, it gives you something other than your website content with which to rank for keywords on search engines. If you try to rank in Google for keywords like small business software and don’t have any backlinks pointing toward your website, it will be nearly impossible for people searching for those terms to find you. Second, link building can help improve your site’s user experience. When someone links to your page, they are essentially vouching for its quality and relevance; if they did not think highly of your page or believed that their audience would benefit from reading it, they probably wouldn’t bother linking to it at all.


Creating quality backlinks is one of those things that too many people undervalue. If you want your website to reach critical mass, if you want it to attract traffic and gain search-ranking power, then you need a backlink. Ultimately, building links, especially high-quality links, is what makes or breaks your online presence. The question isn’t whether links matter; it’s how to create them in an ethical way.  Infiniterounds can be more source of information.

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By Olivia Bradley

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