Why Do We Get A Cold In The Fall?

Why Do We Get A Cold In The Fall?

The fall is here and each year we get a cold. The feeling of a runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, and coughing are all too familiar to us at this time of year. Some people say that the reason why we get a cold in the fall is because of the change in weather and the humidity in the air. Others might say it’s because our immune system is lowered due to lack of vitamin D intake during summertime. But scientists have put together an idea that might finally explain why we get sick in October: it’s called “The Humidification Effect.”

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Why Do We Get A Cold In The Fall?

The fall season is a time of change for many animals. For humans, the change can be both physical and emotional. One change that happens for humans is our body’s natural response to lower temperatures. When the weather cools down, our bodies produce more mucous to protect us from bacteria and viruses. This increased production of mucous can lead to a cold or the flu.

During the fall, the air is also generally drier than in the summer. This can cause our throats to dry out, making it easier for viruses to enter our body through our nose or mouth. And finally, the natural light of fall gives us less energy to fight off infections. All of these factors can lead to a cold or the flu in the fall.

Causes of the Cold

When the weather starts to change, many people assume that means the cold season is near. But according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), autumn can actually be chilly in spite of the warmer temperatures outside. There are a few reasons why this happens.

One reason is that the Earth’s orbit around the sun changes during the autumn months, which can cause cooler air to flow in from farther away. Additionally, water vapor in the atmosphere tends to decline as the fall season progresses, leading to lower air temperatures overall. And finally, wind patterns can also affect temperatures significantly.

So if you’re feeling a little chilly this autumn, don’t worry- there are some things you can do to help keep warm, including wearing layers and staying hydrated. And if you do get a cold, make sure to get vaccinated against the flu and pneumonia!

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Ways to Prevent a Cold

If you’re like most people, you’ll get a cold in the fall. Here are some tips to prevent one:

-Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Dehydration can lead to a cold.
-Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze and cough. These activities spread germs around your body.
-Stay away from people who are sick. The germs they carry can easily infect you.
-Avoid coming into contact with things that are contaminated, such as pets, sick people, or objects that have been in contact with raw meat.

How to Treat a Cold

Cold symptoms can be a drag, but fortunately there are lots of ways to ease them. Here are some tips for treating a cold:

-Drink plenty of fluids to keep your throat wet and help suppress the cold virus. Fluids also help flush out any toxins that may be causing your cold. Avoid drinks with caffeine, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners, as they can all make symptoms worse. If you have trouble swallowing liquids, try mixing them with honey or ginger ale.

-Drink warm liquids frequently. Warm liquids help the body produce more mucus, which helps fight off the cold virus. Try making a hot tea or soup, or adding bouillon cubes or chicken broth to water to make it warmer. If you find that you can’t take warm liquids easily, sip on a cup of apple cider vinegar (ACV) every few hours to fight infection.

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-Stay away from tobacco and other irritants. Smoke can increase your risk of developing a cold and coughing fits are one of the main ways colds spread. Other irritants that can aggravate a cold include strong perfumes, cologne, and environmental allergens such as cat dander and pollens

By Olivia Bradley

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