Why do You need to Detox from Heavy Metals?

Do you suffer from symptoms such as unexplained fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, pain in joints and muscles, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, headaches and migraines, allergies, bowel distension, IBS, GERD, acne, asthma, and others?

It is highly likely that many of these symptoms and health issues derive from heavy metals.

Daily we are exposed to toxic heavy metals through the air we breathe, the water we drink, as well as the food that we eat. There are other sources too such as amalgam fillings, medications, vaccinations, industrial pollution, pesticide and herbicides and more.

Research studies have shown that heavy metals may be implicated in cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Heavy metals can attack the delicate membranes of the brain and cause cognitive impairment and mood changes as well as degeneration.  

This is why it is critically important to properly detoxify these toxic heavy metals in order to prevent these nasty diseases and help to optimize health and wellness.

How Do Heavy Metals Influence Health?

When heavy metals enter the body, the body produces free radicals as a defence mechanism. As these free radicals accumulate in the body, they can begin attacking cell membranes, mitochondria, and even your DNA.  

This will trigger the immune system to begin producing inflammatory chemicals as a form of defence. Over time, however, chronic inflammation is going to lead to chronic disease with mathematical accuracy.

The other way that heavy metals can influence health is by displacing the good, essential minerals, as they are antagonistic to them.

The body then goes into a downward spiral of nutritional deficiencies, which again will lead to a myriad of symptoms. Remember that the building blocks for the production of energy, hormones, enzymes, detoxification enzymes, and many other metabolic processes are the nutrients we take in from food and water.

According to the World Health Organization, there are 12 different heavy metals of significance to the human body — aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, cobalt, chromium, copper, manganese, nickel, tin, and titanium.

It is estimated that 25% of the population has some sort of heavy metal poisoning.

There are no safe levels of heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and aluminum. Toxic metals do not stay long in the blood but usually migrate to joints, fascia, fat tissue, and lymph.

How Can Someone Detox from Heavy Metals?

First Phase – open up the drainage pathways

The first thing that I teach my students, is to always think about how the heavy metals are going to exit the body. In other words, pay attention to the body’s natural drainage pathways, or emunctories. There is actually a university Diploma course named Emunctorology, which is the science of detoxification.

So we need to make certain before begin a detox that these drainage pathways are open – regular bowel movements, proper liver function, lymphatic flow, and sweating are very important.

Do not underestimate sweating as research has shown that it more effective than bowel or bladder movements at removing certain heavy metals such as cadmium, mercury, and nickel.  

So, adding natural herbal remedies like HMD LAVAGE is important to keep the drainage pathways open and functional.

The word “Lavage” derives from the French for “drainage.”

It contains seven organic herbs:

  • Dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale) – high in antioxidants to combat free radical damage. It also supports the liver and prevents liver damage from toxins, as well as helping with inflammation.
  • Milk Thistle Seed (Silybum marianum) – often known as the “liver herb” as it can protect the liver from damage by various toxins.
  • Burdock root (Actium lappa) – contains powerful antioxidants quercetin, luteolin, and phenolic acids. It also helps to detoxify the blood and promotes increased circulation on the surface of the skin.
  • Red Clover Tops (Trifolium pratense) – this can help to purify the blood by acting as a diuretic, clearing mucous from the lungs, improving circulation, and helping cleanse the liver.
  • Tumeric root (Curcuma longa) – a natural anti-inflammatory, and a potent antioxidant.
  • Hydrangea root (Hydrangea arborescent) – can protect the kidneys from damage from toxins, and is also a strong antioxidant.
  • Uva ursi leaf (Arctostaphylos uva ursi) – mostly works on the kidneys and urinary bladder, helping to optimize their function, and contains gallic acid and tannins which are powerful antioxidants.

 Second Phase – Mobilization of Heavy Metals

The next important step in the heavy metal detox process is to use a natural chelator to pull metals from inside the cell. This is called an intracellular chelator and one of the most scientifically tested products on the market is called HMD that stands for Heavy Metal Detox.

During the development research on HMD™, we tested the 3 ingredients that it contains individually and found that they did not work on their own.

However, mixed together in the right ratios creates a synergistic formula that can detoxify a large array of heavy metals. 

It has taken $1 million and 3 years of extensive research to find the unique HMD™ formula for eliminating heavy metals naturally from the body.

HMD™ is a truly natural toxic metal detox supplement: It is a synergistic blend of herbal ingredients such as Chlorella Growth Factor, Coriandrum satvium (Coriander) and a homaccord of Chlorella pyrenoidosa.

Details of HMD™ ingredients:

1. Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF):

Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) is a steam distillation extract of chlorella pyrenoidosa. Chlorella Pyrenoidosa is a species of freshwater green algae. Chlorella has many health benefits and helps the body to detoxify.

2. Coriandrum Sativum (Cilantro):

HMD is made using Cilantro or organic coriander leaves. 

It is a vegetable glycerin extract. While cilantro tincture used by itself can actually cause the body to hold on to metals rather than eliminate them, when used in our special synergistic mixture, it has the opposite effect.

3. Homaccord of Chlorella pyrenoidosa:

A homaccord of Chlorella Pyrenoidosa, freshwater blue-green algae.

Third Phase – Adding a Binder to Pick-Up Heavy Metals

The final phase of any proper heavy metal detox is to add a natural binder that picks-up the toxic metals that are now sitting outside the cell in the mesenchyme.

One of the best binders that has a long and safe history of use is Organic Chlorella.

Chlorella was first observed by Dr. Beijerinck, a Dutch microbiologist, in 1890,  However, chlorella has has been around for aeons –  for billions of years since the beginning of planet Earth.

By Olivia Bradley

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