5 Best Mindful Activities for Adults

a girl practising meditation

The struggle of the world has made many ignore their mind. We rush out each morning to rush back to bed at night. These rush hours make us frustrated and rage at every slightest agitation. Yet, this reaction is nothing you’ll do when in the right state of mind.  

Many people are stuck in this phase unless they take a moment and become mindful of their scenario. You have to make it a routine to be mindful of different times and places.  

a girl sitting under a tree

Photo by Daniel Torobekov:  

The start is always difficult; thus, we provide a list of mindful activities to do during the day.   

Mindfulness means being aware of your environment. The method is simple if you use a mindful activity that works for you. This article explores various mindful activities for adults: 

  1. Use Mindful Creativity 

The mind is about creativity for adults. The older we get, the little time we spend on creative projects. Being creative is a shortcut to mindfulness and awareness. Creativity brings about a sense of belonging, positive self-love, and mental well-being when accomplished. This exercise has different activities for adults. You can choose to draw, write, do woodwork, flower, photograph, use mindful cards for adults or whatever creative thing makes you happy.  

The point is to be mindful, which discourages phones, TV, radio, and other gadgets. If you choose music, then ensure there is no interruption. The goal is to be creative with your mind without interruption. 

Always apply curiosity to your mindful activities. The experience is unlimited, and a journal is a helpful tool. Record your activities in your journal. 

a girl penning down her thoughts

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: 

  1. Consider Mindful Eating Exercise 

Mindful eating has been proven by research to be a helpful way of reducing food cravings. The act heightens your sense of awareness in 5 to 10 minutes. The effect is felt in your entire senses during eating.  

The techniques are silly, but they work effectively. All you need is raisins and a place to focus.   

  • Hold the raisin to your face with curiosity and attention. Begin to think about its properties like shape, texture, and color. 
  • Feel the raisin between your fingers and squeeze gently to explore the squishy part. You can close your eyes to have a full imagination.  
  • Sniff the raisin and try to figure out what it smells like. 
  • How does the tongue feel? Place the raisin in your mouth for 10 seconds to feel it with your tongue. Imagine the temperature and texture felt by your tongue. Wait a moment to figure it out before chewing. 
  • Take a bite or two and chew gently to feel the taste before swallowing. Feel the taste in your mouth and how it changes. Now swallow to feel the sensation. Repeatedly doing this activity during your meals will change your life. 
  1. Mindful Exploring 

Mindful exploring is as easy as it gets. Find a quiet place and walk around. You can walk in your garden, a quiet part of the park or street. Take time to observe and imagine different things like humans, animals, nature, and your surroundings.  

This practice makes you mindful of creation and its implication in the world. You will be amazed at the experience as you explore the neighborhood. 

  1. Mindful Breathing 

Mindful breathing is a practice of patients. The exercise is similar to meditation by letting go of what hurts and increasing our sense of awareness. Get a quiet place, sit and focus for 5 to 10 minutes to make the practice easy. You can decide to lie down for the exercise.  

  • Place a hand on your chest region and your waistband. The hand on the waistband is to feel how heavy or light you’re breathing.  
  • Breathe out through your mouth. Relax your shoulders and upper body for some seconds and pause. 
  • Breathe with your mouth closed through your nose. The act will expand your belly as you inhale. Now inhale as much as you can, then pause again. 
  • Let out the breath through your mouth, and if you observe your belly shrinking, pause again. 
  • Repeat this act 2 to 3 times in your free time. Be patient and notice the changes and their impact on your body.  

The exercise will work wonders on the mind. If you notice your mind wandering off, bring back the attention to breathing, body movement, and emotions.  

  1. Use Mindful Stress Ball Exercise 

The stress ball philosophy is based on touch therapy. Touch is part of the body’s sensitivity controlled by the subconscious part of the body. This exercise requires an aromatherapy stress ball to enjoy the sense of touch and smell. 

  • Sit or lie down in your quiet place. Place your attention on the exercise to enjoy its benefits. 
  • Place the stress ball on your hand, close your eyes and focus on your breathing to relax and calm yourself. 
  • Now, focus on the ball while you maintain your breathing. Don’t squeeze yet; feel the ball’s texture and shape. Imagine what it feels like in your palm.  
  • You can start squeezing gently and observe the change in shape. Press and release repeatedly while managing your breathing session. 

Mindful ball exercise is a way to relax and unwind. C:\Users\HP PROBOOK 11\Downloads\pexels-ekaterina-bolovtsova-4050218.jpg 



Mindful activities focus on making you aware of the present. There are fewer chances of getting out of control when you’re mindful. However, these activities may sound silly but beneficial for the mind. The acts become easy as we practice them each day. 

By Olivia Bradley

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