What are the Advantages of Linux shared hosting?

website hosting

Linux shared hosting is a more environmentally friendly and cheaper version of web hosting. In order to understand this, you must be familiar with what a server is and what they do. A server is a computer that stores your website’s data so it can be accessed from anywhere else on the internet and allows users to access a website without any special software or knowledge. The most popular type of web hosting these days is managed Windows or Linux shared hosting, meaning your site will be hosted on someone else’s computer for you to use for as long as you need it. You can also purchase dedicated servers if you want specific control over how your site works without sharing resources with others.

1. You can save almost 10%

When you sign up for a Linux shared hosting account from the best web hosting services, you will save at least 10% on the amount of money you would have paid for Windows or Mac. Just like other web hosts, Linux shared hosting providers charge around the same prices for their services. When using their shared resources and bandwidth, most providers offer single-domain and unlimited accounts. The only difference between the two is that when you use your single domain account, all your websites will be hosted on one server, which usually limits your potential traffic. This 

risks to your websites if it becomes overloaded or inaccessible because all of them are linked to the same server.

2. Faster server loading time

The way that a Linux shared hosting server works is different from how a Windows or Mac shared hosting one does. To start with, Windows and Mac servers come with their own OS which means that everything on them is made for the OS you get when you make your purchase. Since Linux is open-source software, users can freely modify it to suit their needs instead of having to go through the difficult process of installing and configuring it themselves. Not only does this create stability, but it also means that the server will load much faster than others because there are fewer processes running at any given time.

3. More websites per server

If your website features more than one page, then you are going to want more than one server. Luckily, Linux shared hosting providers usually have multiple servers as a standard because of this. Since Linux is open-source, there will be more people contributing to the site’s code, which means that there will be many more improvements and better solutions to solve problems. When you need the system to run at its highest capacity, you can select a 

specific distribution (this is the version of Linux that is running on the server) by adding that into your dashboard when creating your accounts. 


Linux-compatible web hosting has many advantages over the most popular web hosting environments today. To start with, it is compatible with more software, which means that there will be more choices when installing and configuring your site. Not only that, but Linux servers are also better prepared to handle spam attacks because they usually have a larger space in RAM and CPU. This means that your server will be able to run smoothly and efficiently even if someone decides to attack it. Linux hosting is also more environmentally friendly than other brands because it is open-source software, which allows being modified by anyone who wants to contribute code to the system. This large community of users is what keeps Linux relevant in today’s computer world because of its upgraded versions.

By Olivia Bradley

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