Quality Tips for First Time Flat Buyers 

If you are starting a job and you are looking forward to do some saving and purchase a property, it is a great choice. Of course, it is better to give EMI for your new flat than to simply pay the rent every month. The contentment of living in your own property is matchless. 

However, since the property options are there in abundance, you should be careful about what you choose. Whether a 1BHK in Kalwa or even bigger flat or apartment, there are always tips that can help you make a wiser move. This post would unfold some quick quality tips for you for your first property purchase.

Know your needs 

Before you finalise any flat or apartment for yourself, make sure that you know your needs. You should have all the requirements in mind. in this way, you can be confident that you choose the property that is as per your requirement. What is the point if later on you feel bad that you made a hasty move that was not good? So, make sure that you choose a property that is as per your need. You can ask yourself questions like:

  • How many rooms should be there in the apartment?
  • Are you okay with the gated apartment or standalone?
  • How about the budget? Can you afford the price or it would be too much for you?

Once you ask yourself such questions, you would know your needs and make a better move for sure.

safety of the property 

you should be careful about the safety aspect. Since there are always crimes taking place, you cannot simply take safety easily. You should be careful about the safety aspect. Find out the building that has proper CCTV cameras and proper guards all the time. in this way, you can be sure that the flat you are taking is safe and is not at all in a crime prone area. Of course, what is the point if the area you choose is nasty or simply dangerous for you to live with your family? So, be careful about the safety aspect. Compare the different properties and you would make a sensible and safe move.

Facilities and environment

Then you should also check into the options that you get with the flat. How is the society you are taking the flat in? is it clean and spacious? How about the facilities in the building? Is the flat having any sort of proper windows and balcony? You have to be wise about all these things or you might find yourself stuck later on. You need to check the environment of the flat and building because you would be spending your entire days for minimum of some years in the new flat. So, check and spend a day in the flat or building you are shortlisting your flat or apartment. Find out if you can stay therein safely and happily.


So, whether 1bhk or 2BHK in Kalwa, make sure that you keep all these tips in mind. when you choose your property thoughtfully, there is nothing to be regretful about later on.

By Olivia Bradley

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