Setting TP Link Extender as Access Point

tp link extender

Setting up the TP Link extender means the extender will offer the raw internet that is coming from the ISP. Hence, there won’t be any weak signals. Since the extender is connected using an Ethernet cable, you can rest assured about the quality of the internet. Furthermore, setting the TP Link extender as an access point offers you a fast and stronger internet connection.

Configuring the extender as an access point might be a little complex. So, you should check out the following points to know how to do that. Without any further delay, let’s get through them. Keep reading.

Configuring Extender as Access Point

Set TP Link Extender

To set the extender as an access point, you should first set the TP Link extender. Plug it into a wall outlet and press the power button. In case the TP Link extender has a start button, you should press it. Turning on the extender will light LEDs. So, you should wait for them to get stable.

Place the Extender

The place to set the TP Link extender plays a crucial role in setting it as an access point. You should first get rid of objects hampering the extender’s WiFi signals. A few instances are metal objects, reflexive surfaces, and heavy electrical appliances. Moreover, you should also avoid windows to stop the WiFi signals from getting wasted.

Open Web Browser

In the next step, you should access a computer or a laptop. Turn it on and launch a web browser on your computer. However, you need to choose the right web browser. It should have the latest software version and compatibility with the operating system of the computer. You will be using the web browser to access the setup page.

Do Extender Login

When you have access to the extender login page, you should enter your login details. However, you need to be conscious while entering the credentials. Firstly, the login credentials are case-sensitive. Secondly, even a single mistake won’t permit you to log into your extender. So, you should be careful while entering the login details.

Open Wireless Settings

Access Wireless Settings of your TP Link extender and move to Switch Mode. From there, you need to select the Access Mode. This will configure your extender as an access point.

Reboot & Access Extender Dashboard

After changing the settings of your extender, you might be asked to reboot the device. Do it and restart your extender. After that, you need to access the extender dashboard again. So, make sure you do that by using a computer.

Change Wireless Settings

After getting access to the TP Link extender setup page, you should move to Wireless Settings again. However, this time, you need to change the WiFi network name and password for the access point. This is one of the most crucial steps after setting the extender as an access point.

When you configure the extender as an access point, its name and password reset. So, you won’t be having the access to the extender network until you change its settings. Hence, you need to complete this part before rebooting your extender again.

Wrap Up

To save the settings after resetting the extender WiFi name and password, you might need to restart the extender. However, issues might rain upon you at any point during the whole process. In that case, you should follow TP Link troubleshooting tips for the extender.

Furthermore, the extender should receive a consistent surge of power. Apart from that, you should also ensure that the extender stays connected to the router’s connection. Doing this ensures your extender never turns off. In short, your device is configured as an access point that will offer you blazing fast internet throughout the whole house.

By Olivia Bradley

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