Top 6 Best Free SEO Tools 2022

Best Free SEO Tools

A quick look on Google will give you tons of long lists of the best free SEO tools – but it usually takes hours to go through and review each of the products, only to find paywalls, bad suggestions, or the fact that software paid to be listed here.

So here is a very short list of the best free SEO tools . I personally use each of them in our SEO work, so I can recommend them as useful, valuable, and free.

Top 6 Best Free SEO Tools for Marketers in 2022

1. Semrush

Semrush is the Nazing team’s favorite SEO tool. It’s great at keyword analysis and recently added keyword intent indicators to its results. It’s the first platform to do so, which is one of many indicators that show that it is one of the leaders in the sector.

Semrush ‘s free tools cover everything from backlinks to site crawls, and even include a feature that helps you structure your blog content around a keyword, all for free.

I listed this site first because its user interface is one of the friendliest to use, so if SEO tools are stressing you out, this is a good place to start.

2. Ahrefs

A classic for a reason. Ahrefs is one of the reasons I got my job at BlogTech – I paid $7 for their full website audit and crawled our site, then used all of their super easy information.

I mention it in this list of free tools because the free version is also amazing – you can get monthly updates on your page status, new keywords, backlinks and referring pages. I have signed up for regular emails which give us a quick overall report on the status of our site which is really helpful.

3. Screaming Frog

If you are new to SEO and need a very easy to use interface, Screaming Frog might not be your first choice. That said, it’s an amazing tool that unlocks a lot of vital information for free, and there are some great tutorial videos to help you use it.

Screaming Frog searches the site, letting you know how many images don’t have alt text, what’s wrong, which pages don’t have H2 tags, and more. Once you understand what’s going on it’s pretty easy to use and a cornerstone of our site audit process for customers.

Also, a handy tip for finding free content ideas: use Screaming Frog to explore your competitors who are ranked higher than you. Reviewing their H1 and H2 tags can help you identify keywords and content topics that you might be missing.

4. Google page speed indicators

Page speed is an increasingly important ranking factor on Google, so it’s worth incorporating this metric into your SEO efforts. One of the easiest and freest ways to do this is to use Google’s Page Speed ​​Insights service, which gives you a comprehensive report on key metrics like First Contentful Paint (FCP) or Time to Interactive.

Traffic lights make it easy to use the tool, making it quick and easy to get a feel for your situation. Google’s Page Speed ​​Insights tool even suggests ways to improve your site’s problems…but you’ll probably need a developer to implement them!

5. Google

That’s a bit of a cheeky answer, but listen to me. As a marketer, you probably spend too much time trying to figure out what’s winning on Google and hacking the rankings. But it’s easy to forget that you can see what’s going on just by using Google !

If you are doing keyword research, remember to google them. You’ll be able to see the SERPs (Search Engine Result’s Pages) offered, find out if the keyword is actually relevant to your content, and scrape off the “People are also searching” section. It’s easy to get caught up in the constant use of tools and forget that sometimes some of the answers are right in front of you.

6. Answer the Public

This is a great long-range keyword research tool and a great option for getting a broader view of content topics and relevant searches in your chosen field. Just enter a keyword or phrase, and it shows you a spider map of related phrases and questions people are looking for.

Answer the Public doesn’t always work for more obscure keywords, but it’s usually a good option to quickly check in case there are a few hidden gems.

By nazingadmin

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