Tree pruning: stop the Trimming!

Tree Trimming

Today, I am angry! Angry but also tired because, on the sides of the roads, in parks, and even in gardens, it is always the same horror film that starts again: “ Trimming of trees with a chainsaw… ”

Despite the arborists’ awareness campaigns, we coppice, prune too severely, prune too short, top the head, mutilate… we sometimes even tear off whole parts with a big machine… Anyhow and anytime!

I could, if necessary, forgive my neighbors, who are certainly not informed. On the other hand, I have a lot more trouble when it comes to certain professionals, supposed to practice a trade for which they have been trained.

Why does heavy pruning harm trees?

These mutilations, let’s not be afraid of words, weaken or even kill the trees by causing rotting of the central wood and vulnerability to fungal and parasitic attacks.

The tree’s structure is damaged, and the production of hormones is “dysregulated,” producing new branches in all directions. Embolisms are created, stopping the circulation of the sap in certain places.

Click for more info please visit the LI Lumberjack.

The drastic cut of a tree

Note: this pruning is also detrimental to wildlife because the tree can no longer provide shelter and cover for a good season or even longer if the tree does not recover. Especially if the pruning occurs during the bird nesting period: which is now prohibited by a European directive! But, in the case of trunks, the pollard trees of our countryside (willows and other species), the opposite is ultimately at stake. Indeed, the tree (poorly) treated in this way will hollow out little by little to offer shelter to various animals (Little owls, tits, micro-mammals, bats, etc.), food for xylophagous insects and fungi, and lichens. And even provide a breeding ground for the proliferation of some plants. A real mini-ecosystem!

Should trees be pruned?

“When and how should I prune?”  Here is the eternal question that many gardeners ask when planting a tree.

But wouldn’t the right question be, “Should I prune?”

Without falling into anthropomorphism, a tree is a living being, and cutting it into pieces does not do it any good. Finally, everything depends on the piece… A twig here, there: everything is fine. Cut off a branch the diameter of a pipeline or remove all of its foliage: hello damage because it is the door open to unchecked development and various fungal diseases.

So the answer to the question is yes… and no. A tree does not need you to live. He’s been doing these little things very well since long before Homo sapiens became this invasive and evil species.


Pruning, a boost for the tree

However, pruning, when done with respect for the tree and at the right time, has significant advantages:

  • Sanitary above all: remove dead wood and damaged branches, and lighten the foliage, … The tree will present fewer openings to possible diseases and will be airier. Removing dead wood also brings a safety aspect. For example, if the tree borders a busy road or passes over a school, accidental falling branches should be avoided.
  • Aesthetics: balance the foliage and remove the lowest branches;… At their youngest age, trees sometimes have ” anarchic ” growth (at least in our minds!); pruning helps to guide this growth a little for him quickly give a ” tree look. “
  • Volumetric: reduce the volume and size that a tree can take once well launched in its life. Always think about the adult size of a plant when planting it. In addition, more and more dwarf varieties will make it possible not to have to rake a beautiful tree to finally transform it into a kind of giant bonsai.

Why not try your hand at the sheer waist?

Princess Greta Sturdza understood all this when she embarked on the idea of ​​a transparent waist in her Vasterival ” garden. “

This soft pruning allows, in addition to removing dead or diseased parts, to balance and lighten the antlers, which brings an undeniable aesthetic appeal but, above all, brings light and rainwater to the plants below. . In addition, this size in transparency makes the visitor’s gaze cross the garden as much as the wind, thus reducing accidents due to storms.

As an epilogue…

As you will have understood, Tree Root Removal is sometimes necessary, but it requires understanding how a tree grows and what suits it best so that it can survive and prosper for many years.

Let‘s avoid trauma to our dear trees as much as possible by cutting only rarely, always wisely, and with good tools. And let’s also be calm and thoughtful in action: ” If in doubt, abstain or… come back another day “. This branch was perhaps not so problematic after all…

Finally, if you have any doubts, call a professional. A voucher! Indeed, times are changing (slowly…), and so are people (a little). More and more pruners are practicing soft pruning and thinking about the best way to keep trees in good health while only intervening when necessary. Do not hesitate to use their services!

Click for more details!

By Olivia Bradley

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