What Colors Do Hellboy Bettas See?

Hellboy bettas are named so because of the unusual red coloration in their eyes. The fish also have bright red fins and bodies, with yellow edging on their scales. This makes them stand out from other bettas, especially when you’re keeping a few at once. Luckily for us, Hellboy Bettas aren’t afraid of the light – which is good because all bettas need plenty of it to stay healthy. In this article we’ll be looking at what colors hellboy classic bettas see and if that means they have special sight. We’ll cover some common questions about keeping these interesting bettas, as well as a few tips on how best to keep them happy and healthy.

Do Hellboy Bettas See Only In The Red Spectrum?

The short answer is no. The longer answer is that bettas see ultraviolet light, which is a spectrum humans can’t see. That means that for humans, a black object is just that – black. For a fish, a black object is black and filled with lots of ultraviolet light. This is how bettas can live in environments that are murky and dirty. They can use their UV light to see the world around them, even in dirty water. This is also the reason why bettas love to swim at the top of the water. In the wild, bettas spend most of their time at the surface of the water, eating insects and larvae. So they’re used to living in the shallow water, close to the surface.

What Colors Do Bettas See?

Bettas see red and blue, just like humans. They can also see ultraviolet light. That means they can see colors we can’t. They can also see colors we can’t, such as ultraviolet light. So what colors do bettas see? They see red, blue, and UV light. Most importantly, they see red, blue, and UV light. As long as you keep your bettas in water that is clean and clear, there’s no reason why they can’t be happy, healthy fish. 

Keep in mind that bettas are naturally curious, active fish. They need plenty of space and places to explore. They’re also social animals. For that reason, you should always keep at least two bettas together.

Why Are Hellboy Bettas Red?

There are a few different hypotheses about why Hellboy Bettas are red. The most popular is that they are selectively bred. In other words, breeders have specifically chosen to breed red Bettas over blue and other colors there are. If that’s the case, then bettas may be naturally blue fish. 

They just happen to have red pigments in their blood which makes them red. There’s another theory that these red Bettas are all-black fish that have been dyed. Keep in mind that Bettas are naturally blue. That means that any red or orange fish you see are likely dyed and not an original color.

Keeping Hellboy Bettas

Bettas are naturally from Southeast Asia. They can be found in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and other nearby countries. They’re also native to parts of India and in the river systems of Southern China. Because of this, you should keep Hellboy Bettas in warm water, between 78 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. 

You should also keep them in a tropical aquarium, with water that is warm and clean. A good betta filter will help keep the water clean, as well as provide your fish with plenty of oxygen. Bettas love plants and will happily swim through them, as well as rest on them. You can keep your tank fully planted, or just keep a few pots with tropical plants.


Bettas are naturally curious and active fish. They’re also social animals and thrive when kept in groups. This is why you should always keep at least two bettas together. Bettas are also naturally curious and active fish. That means they need plenty of space to explore. They also like plants, as well as warm water. You should keep your tank fully planted with tropical plants and keep the water warm and clean. For that reason, it’s best if you keep your bettas in a fish tank rather than a bowl. A tank gives them plenty of room to swim, as well as helps keep the water clean.

By Olivia Bradley

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