Drinking Hot Water on An Empty Stomach, A Habit with Health Benefits

Water Fasting

As soon as you get out of bed, go to the kitchen, prepare a glass and drink it. A step as simple as this helps your body detoxify and promotes weight loss, among other functions.

Surely you have heard about the many benefits of warm water with lemon. This habit is part of traditional Chinese medicine and helps us stabilize the natural rhythm of our body, detoxify the body or improve the functions of the digestive system. However, a new recipe is starting to make a name for itself among lovers of healthy living: the consumption of hot water on an empty stomach. This may be shocking to some people, but if you try it for at least 15 days, experts say that your health will be rewarded. What properties accompany this eating practice?

Much more than yin-yang

Chinese culture is once again behind this healing method that stands out for its effectiveness and simplicity. Centuries ago, Far Eastern healers recommended drinking hot Water Fasting to correct the imbalance between yin and yang. This was noted through an insatiable thirst, episodes of sweating, fluid retention, chills or mental fatigue. The Chinese believed that drinking hot water daily solved this instability, a belief that is now part of the past, but whose effects have turned out to be truer than they seemed.

However, despite the benefits it brings to our body, it is important to be careful with the temperature that the liquid reaches before consumption. And it is that water that is too hot can cause abrasion of the esophagus, according to a study on the subject. “The results show that drinking very hot beverages probably causes cancer of the esophagus and that it is the temperature, and not the beverages themselves, that appears to be responsible,” Christopher Wild, director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, said in a statement. Under this premise, it is recommended to heat the water to about 37º, a temperature similar to that of the human body.

As for the best time of day to put this system into practice, many experts advise doing it half an hour before breakfast, although it is also very productive before going to sleep. In case you don’t feel like drinking hot water first thing in the morning, you can always pour it into a thermos and sip little by little. Once the ‘ritual’ is over, how does it affect our body?

An extensive list of benefits

A natural way to lose weight. “The consumption of hot water favors our possibilities of eating few calories per day. […] It also curbs cravings, hydrates our body and leaves our stomach feeling full compared to cold water. If you drink hot water during meals, you will feel satisfied sooner and, therefore, you will end up eating less”, they assure from the Barcelona Alternativa platform.

A very effective moisturizer. Returning to hydration, it has been proven that hot water hydrates more than cold water, since the body takes a long time to absorb it. This leads to additional hydration of the skin, a remedy against damaged cells and an increase in the elasticity of the dermis.

Balances the nervous system. Drinking hot water on an empty stomach helps purify the stomach, preparing it to better digest the nutrients you consume throughout the day. This is because the environment inside you is free of toxins, thus improving the health of the nervous system and the digestive process. In addition, some studies claim that it is also a very favorable tool to control stress and anxiety.

The consumption of hot water favors our possibilities of eating few calories per day

Reduces menstrual cramps. Women will find in this habit a great ally during the menstrual cycle. And it is that hot water is an ideal antidote to combat ailments as common as muscle cramps, headaches or the symptoms of menstruation. “The reason is that the heat has a calming effect that will reduce pain and relax the body,” defend Vicario Clinics. In addition, “if you suffer from muscle cramps, you should know that hot water stimulates blood circulation, which will be an ideal ally to treat injuries or reduce the pain of cramps,” they add.

Strengthens the immune system. Drinking hot water helps stimulate the immune system, thus ensuring that our body is totally protected from the attack of external agents, such as viruses or bacteria. And not only that, it also treats inflamed and diseased tissue, cleanses it and reduces pain.

Relieves constipation. “There are quite a few people who suffer from constipation since the current diet is very low in fiber and we are used to eating recipes that are quite difficult to digest, therefore, intestinal transit slows down and our body does not cleanse itself properly. That is when constipation appears”, they explain from Vicario Clinics. Hot water can cause intestinal spasms, which consequently stimulates intestinal transit.

By Olivia Bradley

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